This painting is painted by Franz Marc, a Modernism Painter, and he used abstract
expression in the painting. It looks like bunch of colors splattered on the picture, but if one looks closely at the painting, there are animals in the painting, showing a gloomy

painting is by Jackson Pollock and this painting represents modernism by showing abstract
expression .

This image is a representation of Modernism art because its unique style of drawing where parts of the womens body, even the face, is put together like a piece of puzzle. Also the women has round edges.

This image represents modernism by the unique idea of clocks melting away. It has a very deep meaning in this painting, which is "to impress anxiety and, in a certain way, terror, although it is likely that it was conceived as a functional element on which to drape one of the watches." (Wikipedia)This painting is by a modernism artis, Franz Marc, and this
painting represents modernism by using abstract expression and random looking colors. It looks liks someone just painted in random colors everywhere, but it shows that
source : http://isaaclee.wordpress.com/
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