Thursday, September 24, 2009

Grow Your Adsense Piggy Bank: $30 to $300 A Month

Maybe you’ve had your own “Aha” moment with Google Adsense.

I had mine earlier this year when I realized I could make more than just pocket change by featuring those now familiar ad blocks on my websites. I had worked hard building my content oriented niche sites and had expected to make decent affiliate income—which never materialized.

You see, most people online (including you and me), are looking for information. I call them “lookey-loos.” They want to gather information before making a purchasing decision. This is normal behavior. However, if you are looking to earn or make online money via a web site affiliate program, you’ll quickly realize that it takes a lot more than slapping banner ads and links on your site.

Although, I’ve made a modest amount of affiliate income, it didn’t seem enough to make it worth my while, in spite of what the affiliate marketing ebook gurus said. That’s the point where I decided to put Adsense on my sites. Got nothing to lose, right?

At first I was like “Cool. A few pennies a day in the piggy bank.” I didn’t have to do anything extra for it, so it was kind of an easy way to make some “spare change.” I didn’t care how much I made each day. Anything was better than looking at a big fat zero.

Then something changed. The money accumulating in my Adsense account began to grow. Hmmm. Maybe there’s something more to this Google Adsense thing than I realized. Adsense seemed like a pretty decent opportunity to make money online.

This is when I got serious about the potential to make money with Google Adsense. I know I’m just one of thousands of website publishers that has recently discovered that this is one of several ways to make extra money.

So here many of us sit, anxiously checking our stats to see how much money we’ve made today. What is our CTR (click through rate)? How much are we getting paid per click? And so forth.

While we all hear the tales about those making thousands per day or month with Adsense, most of us web publishers, here in the trenches, are not blessed with having a gazillion visitors that produce big fat checks. We are trying to steadily grow our modest Adsense income fairly and honestly.

But what is the secret to doing that?

**WARNING: If you’re interested in information on how to make lots of money quick and easy using black hat techniques or using SPAM website generators, you can stop reading now**

I believe that slow and steady wins the race—and, you’ll get to keep your Adsense account for the long run. Let me give you some perspective. Google is worth $120 billion. Google stock is now valued at over $400 per share. A good portion of their profit comes from pay-per-click advertising (Adwords). Yet, online advertising is still a relatively small percentage of total (U.S.) advertising dollars spent. However, things are rapidly changing. Online advertising will see steady growth for many years to come.

The potential windfall for online web publishers is enormous. A web publisher making $30 a month today, could be making $300-$500 per day in a few short years. Those who go for the quick, unethical profits now, but lose their Adsense accounts because of it, may be kicking themselves in the future. To me, it’s just not worth it.

Anyway, for those of you who think that you’ll never make it to that coveted $100 per month mark so that you can join the Google monthly check club, take heart. There’s still plenty of time for you to get there. However, you must get serious. You won’t make the big money if you’re treating your websites like a hobby.

Ok. So, here’s some quick tips on what you can do to grow your Adsense profits (I’m currently making over $300 per month with Adsense by following this very strategy):


Content is King.

You will not see good CTR without quality content. Put yourself in the visitor’s shoes. What’s the first thing you’ll want to do when you visit a crap website? Yeah, that’s right. Leave. Some web publishers believe that quality content doesn’t matter. That people will be less likely to click if they get good information at a site. This is not my experience. Some also believe that a crappy content site will cause visitors to click on Adsense ads to “escape” a bad site. I think this is B.S. When’s the last time you clicked on an ad to escape someone’s site? It’s too easy to hit the “back” button or close the browser.

Your job as an online web publisher is to give people quality information. The ads are an added benefit to your visitors. If they want more information on a product or service related to your subject matter, then they are more likely to click on an ad. They will trust your site more. And, yes, my sites consistently have really good CTR. That means “high interest.”


While a few lucky web publishers have hit the golden jackpot ($10,000 a month and up) with only one site, most of them had built up a very popular site over several years and already had tons of steady traffic (in the thousands). When they put Adsense on their sites, they saw instant big money, and they continue to reap the rewards.

You and I, down here in the trenches with fairly new sites, cannot realistically expect to achieve these lofty heights overnight. It’s gonna take a lot of work to get where they are, if we ever do. Even if we don’t, we can still make a nice enough income to achieve our desired financial goals. So quit obsessing over what so and so is making and focus on your own web publishing business.

Now the truth is, the more quality websites you build, the more money you’ll make with Adsense. This goes for blogs too. If one site drops in clicks, then another site often picks up the slack. This is my experience. And these sites don’t have to be big money makers on their own, or get lots of traffic. It’s a numbers game. The more sites you build, the more opportunities you’ll have to reap Adsense profits. How many sites you build is up to you, but it’s not uncommon for successful web publishers to have between two and 10 sites, some have many more!

Yes, this takes a lot of work. You have to research a niche topic, keywords, popularity potential, design a decent looking site, write or hire someone to write quality content, get your site listed in the search engines, keep monitoring your site, etc. So, you’ll be working some long hours in front of your computer. But think of it as building your online empire—one site at a time.


While you can test various Adsense ad block sizes and colors on your website, others have already done the research as to the top performing ad block. It’s the 300x250 rectangle. This block should be blended into your web page so that it doesn’t look so conspicuously like an ad. People hate ads. They don’t like to be sold to. However, if your ad blocks don’t scream “advertisement” to them, they’re more likely to click. This has been proven.

The best positioning for ad blocks is at the top of the page (center position seems to get more clicks). Also, blue link color gets more clicks than any other link colors. But of course, you’re free to experiment with ad blocks on your own site.


No website is perfect. You can always make improvements. Change or add new (relevant) information. If your website is ranking low, try adding new information. Search engines love websites that have fresh information. You don’t have to add something new every week, but you can tweak and update your sites periodically. I’ve had sites move into excellent search engine positions just by doing a little tweaking.

BEWARE of auto-generated feeds and content. Google is cracking down on sites that have too much automation. The search engines seem to love organic content that looks and reads like the web publisher put some personal effort into it.


I know. This is the 100-pound gorilla for all of us. By now you know it’s not easy getting web site traffic. Whole ebook empires have been built around this very subject. All I can tell you is that there are some proven techniques, but they take work and time. One of the best ways, and the method I use consistently to get great results is writing articles like this one, and submitting them to article directories and lists. It’s also a nice way to get new sites indexed relatively quickly.

You MUST keep working on getting more traffic to your websites. Traffic=Clicks=$$$

I know it can be frustrating when your site traffic is in the single digit per day category. Look at it this way, there’s nowhere else to go but UP.


An important KEY to increasing your Google Adsense profits is to learn as much as you can about the business of making money online with your website. Knowledge is power. There are plenty of generous people online offering free advice on how you can improve your Adsense income.

I wouldn’t be where I am now without taking full advantage of free and paid resources. Remember, you’re not alone. There are lots of folks going through the same thing that you are. If you are open to learning, you CAN move forward towards reaching your income goals with Google Adsense.


If you made $30 this month, set a goal to make $40 or $50 next month. If you made $80 this month, set a goal to make $100 next month. Having a monthly goal is a great way to stay motivated while you work on your website business. Trust me, I know. My first month with Adsense I earned a whopping $32.46. It took several months for me to make it into the monthly check club. However, with steady work, and determination to increase my Adsense income, that check has grown bigger every month.


Adwords advertisers respect web publishers who understand that the reason they allow their ads to show up on your website pages is so that you can help bring them quality prospects. Adwords advertisers are looking for a decent return on investment (ROI) for their Adwords dollars. They don’t have to run their ads on the content network. Google makes it easy for them to turn that option off—and many do.

So, keep in mind that it’s in YOUR best interest to keep the Adwords advertiser’s best interest in mind when you build your websites. Advertisers want to see profits just like we do. They want some of those clicks to produce sales. If they don’t make enough sales, they will quit using Adwords. That leads to less money for web publishers.

There are some greedy, opportunistic web publishers out there who only care about filling their pockets with quick cash. They don’t care about how much money their SPAM pages cost advertisers when they send unqualified, or barely interested visitors, clicking onto the advertiser’s site. Poor quality website traffic may make some web publishers a tidy sum, but they risk being downgraded eventually by Adwords advertisers and Google itself. Google is giving their Adwords advertisers more tools to track clicks and sales conversions.

Trust me, you want to be on the good list of web publishers that can be trusted by Adwords advertisers to consistently bring them qualified visitors. That’s what they are paying for. And, quit crying over low paying clicks. Google and their advertisers don’t owe you a living. If you want to make more Adsense money, then you’ll have to work smarter and harder.


While Google Adsense is a great way to earn or make online money, it’s definitely not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’ll take months, maybe even a couple of years before you realize those big check dreams. Meanwhile, keep doing a little bit here and there to build a solid online business.

Actually, what we really do is provide a needed service to people—we provide quality information to help them find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. We help the “looky-loos” save time and money. We are information providers extraordinaire!

What a great way to make a living. (Donna Monday Brownies -

sumber :

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