Sunday, September 12, 2010

This Boy 12 Years Caught In Self Grandma 96 Years

STILL remember the movie 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button "starring Brad Pitt? The film adaptation of the book was published in 1922 presents a unique story of a boy named Benjamin who was born in the physical appearance of an old man.
The story is indeed fiction. But, in England, similar story happened to a 12-year-old girl named Hayley Okines.
If Benjamin had reversed the growth of the baby's parents, Hayley ekstracepat grew beyond his age.
Premature aging that makes Hayley 12-year-old who still has the physical appearance of 96 year old tub. The medical world call it as progeria, a rare disease that attacks one out of every eight million people in the world.
As quoted from the page of the Daily Mail, progeria sufferer Hayley is the first child who underwent medical therapy FTIs (farnesyltransferase inhibitors).
Therapy lived since the last two years was done to reverse the abnormal cells in the body of progeria patients.
Despite its defects, Hayley normal life like a child his age. He likes to chat and play with friends his age, but enjoy Nintendo Wii games and knick-knacks women.
He was educated first at the school level to normal. With his physical condition is very old and frail, he was able to show achievements in science and mathematics.

Her parents placed great hopes on the success of therapy FTIs, although they are aware of children with progeria disease averaged only able to survive until the age of 13 years.
"Whatever happens we've resigned," said Kerry, Hayley's mother who is a resident Bexhill, East Sussex, England.

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