Terbaru nih gan
Cloudcrowd Facebook Nyata Membayar,
Bukan SCAM, karib dekat udah dibayar sob...nih screenshoot hostory from account paypal-nya
Cloudcrowd Beta Facebook Nyata telah Membayar, Bukan SCAM, awalnya saya curiga kena cash yang didapatkan begitu mudah, yakni dari jam 14.00 WIB sampai dengan 19.00 WIB (tentunya sambil nyantai nonton tv, dan tidak lupa shalat)
Saya Mendapatkan $2,39 dalam waktu 5 jam aja, itu juga gak serius (jumlah nominal $$ dan waktu yang didapatkan bisa mencapai $50 gan perharinya (Lagi Promosi)
Untuk Bukti Masih Fresh nih, baru gabung tadi siangSpoiler untuk bukti_ke2:
Ayo Gabung Disini Gratis Join
mumpung promonya gi banyak.....
buat yg nanya" ke blog aku, ato nanti aku update deh, tips and triknya www.anehdech.blogspot.commarch 23, 2010
Dear yuni,
Tonight, starting at around 6:45PM Pacific Time, we'll have more projects up, and more tasks available, than we've ever had on CloudCrowd at one time. We're also awarding one lucky CloudCrowd Worker a $50 bonus tonight. If you haven't stopped by in a while, it will be a great chance to see what you've been missing, and to invite others from your Personal Crowd.
Available projects will include:
* Write Video Summaries: Watch portions of online videos and write quick summaries.
* Find Alumni: You'll do an easy LinkedIn search to help us find "lost" university alumni.
* Think Up Questions: Come up with "how-to" questions and web pages that answer your questions.
* Review Websites: Put on your critic's hat to review and rank four "how-to" web pages.
* Find Web Sites: You'll help us find English websites from China, Taiwan, and Korea.
* Edit Poorly Written English: If you have your Editor Credential you'll have an opportunity to earn a $1 bonus on these editing tasks starting at around 7:45PM.
To qualify for tonight's $50 bonus drawing, you'll need to complete one approved task of high quality between 7:30PM and 8:30PM Pacific Time. We'll notify and pay the winner via PayPal within 24 hours.
With tonight's drawing, thousands of great paying tasks, our Appeals function fully up-and-running, and more work to chose from than ever, there's never been a better time to visit CloudCrowd.
Best regards,
The CloudCrowd Team
Join disini ya JoinCaranya gimana sih??Welcome to CloudCrowd!
Need work done?
Get large projects completed quickly, and on-demand.
Easier to manage, and less costly than typical outsourcing.
Worker credibility scores ensure quality results.
Ready to work?
Earn money when you complete tasks online.
Work where you want, when you want.
Work today, get paid the next business day.*
*Work approved by 5:00PM Pacific Time will be paid by midnight of the next business day.
Gampang kok gan, ente tinggal pilih menu "Avaible Work"
kemudian akan muncul list task yg anda kerjakan.. pilih salah satu
contohnya yg pasti"aja dapetnya hehe (tetep butuh ketelitian juga lah)
klik yg ini ( kadang"muncul tungguin aja cepet kok)
Kemudian akan muncul tugasnya misal mencari orang yg bernama X di Kampus A
klik Linked Profilenya gan untuk mengecek apakah benar namanya itu, dan kuliah disitu.. klo bener pilih kasep.. eh submit.
untuk memastikan tugas anda bener apa ga klik Home
Payout secara otomatis Jam 1 Dini hari
buat yang udah payout selamat ya..:iloveindonesia:iloveindonesia
oh iya payout otomatis perharinya masuk ke paypal anda lho
Ayo Gabung Disini Gratis Join
Buat yang belum punya Paypal (Bank Maya yg bisa digunakan untuk belanja di ebay/amazon dll atau dicarikan di bank)
tinggal daftar Paypal Disini

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