Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sexy Tattoo Great Arm Tattoo Design
Tattoo sleeve art has always had a negative connotation with society. This sleeve art has been totally made infamous by gangs and mobs, like the Yakuza, and other gangs who just expressed their angst and identities through the use of tattoos.
However, because of the growing fashion of the tattoo sleeve art, these negative connotations are slowly disappearing and are instead becoming more of a fashion statement.
Tattoos are so very common that it has let its presence felt in both sports and entertainment. Basketball stars show off their shooting, streaking arms decorated with these cool sleeve tattoos.
Even wrestling superstars, or entertainers have one time or another, been showcasing their charisma and talent together with these tattoo designs.
Like all other tattoo arts range from varieties of design – tribal, Japanese, Chinese, Irish and many more. However, very common designs are the Japanese sleeve tattoos, and the tribal art designs.
Japanese sleeve tattoo arts are usually the more colorful designs.
They range from symbols of Japanese mythology (deities, nature, Buddha and Shinto symbols), animals (the mystic Dragon, the Koi or Japanese carp, phoenix and other mythological animals), sometimes even kanji (Japanese lettering). Figures of Japanese folklore, like samurais and geishas, also appear as tattoo sleeve art.
Tribal designs of tattoos lie on the basic colors – Black. They are the more free-flowing and abstract designs of tattoo art. In this art you can test an artist’s ingenuity and uniqueness as the tribal art is more abstract, thus, is more open to original and reinvented designs.
If you want to try a tattoo sleeve art, browse the internet for good tattoo designs. You can always try a temporary tattoo first before the real thing, and see if it will really match your taste.
Copa Libertadores Unlocker by hafizh_19

Sudah di download? setelah itu langsung aja copy paste filenya pada folder kitserver atau C:\Program Files\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2011\kitserver . Nah setelah itu langsung PES sudah bisa dimainkan dengan tim Copa Libertadores di Mode Exhibition. SELAMAT MENCOBA dan GOOD LUCK!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Download The SIms 3 Full Version
The Sims mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi bagi kita. Bahkan game kehidupan ini sudah banyak dimiliki gamer se-dunia. Tapi masih ada juga sebagian kawan-kawan kita yang pengen maen the Sims tapigak punya duit untuk beli CD Nya. The Sims boleh dibilang sebagai salah satu game dengan pemain yang banyak di dunia. Mungkin karena seru ya. Oh iya mohon jangan sampai dikonsumsi oleh anak-anak 13 tahun ke bawah karena ada beberapa konten yang kurang seronok .Nah bagi kawan-kawan semua yang gak sempet beli CD nya saya mau bagi-bagi download link nya via Indowebster yang super cepat. Tapi ukurannya gede banget so kawan-kawan harus mau bersabar untuk download. Sebelum download perhatikan System Requirementnya dulu.
- 1.5 GB RAM
- A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
- The latest version of DirectX 9.0c
- Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2
- At least 6.1 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of
additional space for custom content and saved games
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Download masing-masing part rename dulu sesuai part lalu kumpulkan pada satu folder yang sama. Setelah itu extract file yang di download.Lalu Mount Image hasil extract. Bagi yangbelum tahu cara mount image . Coba lihat postingan saya tentang How to install PES with Picture. Nah install seperti biasa lalu game bisa dimainkan. Nah kadang kali mendownload game secara online memiliki potensi kegagalan. So mohon maaf jika kawan-kawan ada yang gagal. Good Luck Brother!